domingo, 27 de maio de 2018

Understand a little about the Manifestation of the Truck Drivers of Brazil.

The opinion of Virtual Fluoxetine. is as follows: The manifestation of Truck Drivers and Carrier Owners are Legitimate. From the moment Diesel rises to the point of carrying the country on its back, it is high, due to the various charges "PIS, COFINS, ICMS and CIDE and considered one of the highest in the world and there is no return in the road network, expensive tolls and unsafe roads and only sparrows to fine and without some kind of educational design for transit and the purchase of the Pasadena Refinery in the United States, "which was purchased above market value for $ 1.3 Billion dollars and after the acquisition was Resold for $ 42.5 million dollars "and in the Conclusion of the Refinery of Abreu and Lima" with overpriced values ​​"and in Corruption in Petrobrás that the investigation of the Federal Police through Lava Jato has shown and in the sale of Gasoline to Bolivia, leaving the Petrobras Base in Senador Canedo - Goiás at $ 1.95 and Diesel at $ 0.82 a Liter, it is unbearable to close the account and put the loss of all incompetence registered here in the fine consumer l who are the truckers, owners of carriers and owners of touring vehicles, you can not! However, if the Governor really wants to compensate for all this damage and lower fuel prices, cut the buffers and take out Corporate Cards, Housing Assistance, Helps, Career Flights and FAB Aircraft, Last generation cell phones purchased, Health Plans that have National Coverage for the whole Family, Security. And let it be clear that we are Partisans: We are not talking about Political Party or Politician A or B, we are talking about the reflection that all this Misgovernment is causing the Country and include all the Politicians of the Federal Chamber, Federal Senate, Palace of the Planalto and all the Ministers of State. Without saying in the Maintenance of the Former Presidents of the Republic that cost each one $ 1 Million Reals per Month and they are: José Sarney, Fernando Collor de Melo, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Dilma Rousseff: they are entitled to 2 new cars, fuel , 6 accessors, Private Security and $ 60 thousand Monthly Reais, all this stewardship generates costs and who pays are the Workers with all these taxes generated and one of them to cause all this movement of Paralysis was in the Final Price of the Fuels: Diesel Oil. Anyway, solution has!

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