domingo, 21 de janeiro de 2018

Eat chocolate, your health thanks !

The texture, aroma, flavor and ability to melt gently in the mouth snatches the senses, awakens the body and causes emotional sensations. Ecstasy is absolute, with an unparalleled advantage: it is not an illicit substance, although it is true that there are addicts who do not give up one (or several) daily bars of chocolate. If, at Easter, this delicacy gains a free pass in your diet for reasons of force majeure, it is worth keeping an eye out for her benefits to justify the meal for the rest of the year. Since, of course, you praised for moderation, after all the most tasty blend of milk and cocoa on the planet is rich in sugar and fat, so full of calories. Sweet life Does everything around you improve after a good brown tablet? It's not self-suggestion, you can rest easy. Chemically, chocolate has important stimulant components: caffeine, which disrupts the action of adenosine in the brain, a substance responsible for slowing the activity of neurons. That is, it causes excitement instead of the lull. And it also has an alkaloid called theobromine, which potentiates the effect of caffeine. Theobromine, unlike caffeine, does not stimulate the central nervous system, and its effects are primarily diuretic. To complete the stirring mix, it also has doses of phenylethylamine, a natural compound with amphetamine-like effects. This ingredient is pointed out as the villain for the compulsion to sweet. Researches assume that cholecarthers are people with problems in the regulation mechanism of phenylethylamine in the body. This is because the substance stimulates the pleasure centers of the gray matter, hence the desire to never stop eating. One of the explanations is in the fall of the magnesium level of the blood in that period. It gives you appeal to the magic bar of cocoa to replenish the nutrient, important in the balance of serotonin, the neurotransmitter that controls the mood. But you do not have to eat a box of chocolates to make you feel happier. The sense of well-being finds support in the action of endorphin and dopamine.
Scientists say that chocolate is able to increase the production of this double substance that has to do with relaxation. Here's one more reason why women are the main consumers of candy, especially in times of ill-fated PMS. To appease the irritation, the female team attacks the candy. One of the explanations is in the fall of the magnesium level of the blood in that period. It gives you appeal to the magic bar of cocoa to replenish the nutrient, important in the balance of serotonin, the neurotransmitter that controls the mood. But you do not have to eat a box of chocolates to make you feel happier. The World Health Organization recommends not to extrapolate the limit of 30 grams per day. Preventive Diet The good side of this temptation does not stop there. A small piece of dark chocolate per day improves arterial flow and benefits vascular health. In a report presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Cardiology in Chicago, scientists said dark chocolate in small quantities may reduce the risk of a heart attack by decreasing the tendency for platelet clotting and vessel blockage blood. These same effects were not observed in relation to white chocolate, basically composed of fat of the most conservative, nor even the albino bar. The nervous system also comes out in profit every good bite. Flavonoids, antioxidants found in cocoa beans, have the power to increase blood flow in the brain and make it work better. In doubt between you to milk or bitter? Bet on the last one. Research has shown that it can serve as a protective shield against free radicals, molecules responsible for cell degeneration. The milk version contains more fat and less flavonoid content. In addition, the milk itself impairs the action of these antioxidants. These substances help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and in the decrease of LDL, bad cholesterol. It is also worth taking care that the nutritional properties of chocolate do not turn into enemies. Knowing how to choose the best chocolate is crucial.
Escape the products that abuse the hydrogenated fat to replace the cocoa check the proportions on the label. And prefer to eat the chocolate right after the meal (after lunch, for example) because it is a high glycemic index food. When ingested, after long periods of fasting, it is readily converted to glucose and absorbed more rapidly, sparking hunger shortly thereafter. Calories in a portion of 30g (one small tablet) White chocolate: 160 Kcal Milk chocolate: 170.4 Kcal Bitter chocolate: 161 Kcal Source: Cybercook

In search of pleasure without commitment.

In search of pleasure without commitment. Independently economically, women are increasingly admitting to the practice of casual sex instead of stable and serious relationships. More space in the labor market, greater independence from men, less social repression. These are some of the factors responsible for changing women's sexual behavior in recent decades. Less preoccupied with social stigmas, they are more open to ephemeral, uncompromising relationships that can often last only one night. Research by psychologist Pamela Regan, a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, shows that female sexual behavior has changed. After interviewing a thousand women and a thousand men, the researcher revealed that the number of Americans who admit to casual sex has increased 50% in the last twenty years. It's twice as much as in the early 1980s. Another curious fact that the survey has brought to the fore is that, at the time of casual sex, most women choose the partner by appearance. In Brazil, although no statistic confirms this behavior, the trend of uncommitted sex can also be observed. According to Nalu Faria, coordinator of the non-governmental organization Siempreviva Feminista Organization (SOF) in São Paulo, the insertion of the female class in the labor market is the main factor that led to this change. "Today's women have more financial autonomy and, consequently, are freer to choose their own ways and satisfy their desires the way they want," he says. Feeling guilty The change in society values ​​ended with "social punishment", which, according to Nalu, generated in women a great sense of guilt. "In the old days, the rule was to marry a virgin. Parents would never forgive a daughter who lost her virginity before marriage. Now that sort of charge has almost disappeared. The exception is finding a bride who has not had sex yet, "he says. It is not only the influence of the family on the sexual life of the woman that has less and less relevance. Eleonora Menicucci, a sociologist and sanitarist, director of the Center for Collective Health Studies at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), added that the role of the Church was also fundamental to this transformation. "Rather, the sense of guilt was closely linked to the idea of ​​sin instituted by the Catholic Church. But as society came to view sex more naturally, the Church lost strength in that regard, "says the sociologist. "Today, women are taking the reins of their own lives." Erotic Points Associated with financial and social independence, another important achievement for sexual freedom was the knowledge the woman acquired from her own body.
The great transformation happened in the 60's with the discovery of erotic zones. Until then, the female role was basically restricted to the reproduction and satisfaction of man. "But with the feminist revolution, women gain the right to exercise their will over pleasure. She discovers the clitoris, realizes that she can have pleasure and that she also needs orgasm. Finally, it awakens to an awareness that it has the same need for sex as man, "explains the sociologist. The search for pleasure gained reinforcement with the advent of the contraceptive pill. "The woman could have sex without getting pregnant. This made her worry more about pleasure and go after more 'egalitarian' relationships with men, "adds Nalu. Losses and gains Little by little, the woman admits the possibility of living sporadic relationships. Flirt with the man without fear of punishment. It allows yourself to experiment, exercise your sexuality freely. It is not a matter of simple sexual compulsion, but of living pleasure by pleasure alone. "In some cases, the experience may even be a way to find the ideal partner," says Nalu. The big disadvantage is to think that this happens frequently. The chances of a stable relationship starting from an adventure are paltry. As the name says, casual sex does not involve commitment. It's fun. There is another aspect that can not be ignored. Those who practice this type of sex must always be alert to the prevention of infectious diseases and, of course, to unwanted pregnancies. "This is a more common problem among young women. They do even when the partner does not or does not want to use a condom, "cries Eleonora. Source: Feminine Touch.

18 vicious truths about the modern relationships you're going to have to face !

1. Whoever cares less has all the power. No one wants to be the "most interested person" in the relationship. 2. Because we always want to show the other person how blase we can be, psychological games like 'Intentionally Take Hours or Days to Answer a Message' will happen. They are not fun. 3. A person being detached because he has zero interest in you seems exactly like a person being detached because he thinks you are incredible and is making a conscious effort to pretend that he is not even there. Good luck trying to figure out who's who. 4. Phone calls are an art in decadence. Most likely, much of your relationship's communication will happen through text, which is the most detached and impersonal form of interaction that exists. You can now create intimacy with the emoticon options. 5. Plans in advance are dead. People have options and last minute updates of their friends' locations (or other potential novels) thanks to messages and social networks. If you are not the priority, you will hear a "Maybe" or "We will talk" as a response to your call for an exit and the deciding factor (s) will be whether the person received offer more fun / interesting than you. 6. That someone who hurt you will not automatically have bad karma. At least not in the immediate future. I know it sounds nothing less than fair, but sometimes people cheat and cheat and continue their lives happily while the person they left behind is in tatters. 7. The only difference between your actions being considered romantic or frightening is how attractive the other person finds you. That's it, that's all. 8. "Go out?" And "Let's do some?" Are vague phrases that probably mean "let's get caught" - and while you probably hate getting one, they are the most common way to invite someone to spend some time with you nowadays, and apparently they've come to stay. 9. Some people just want to get you and if you're looking for more than sex, they will not tell you "Alow, I think I'm the wrong person for you." At least not before you release the tindolelê. While human decency is ideal, honesty is not mandatory. 10. The message you sent has arrived. If he did not respond, you can be sure that it was not because of malfunctioning mobile operators.
11. So many people are afraid of commitment and of being serious with someone who continues an undefined relationship that ends up confusing things and only works until it no longer works. I've said it over and over, and I'll say it again - "we're just friends" is to open the door to a betrayal that was technically not treason because, hey, you were not together. 12. Social media creates new temptations and opportunities to betray. Inbox messages and options for a subtle flirtation (eg enjoying the photo of others) do not serve as an excuse or evidence of betrayal, but they certainly increase the chances of that happening. 13. Social media can also create the illusion that you have options, which leads people to see Facebook as a menu of attractive people rather than a way to keep in touch with friends and family. 14. You probably will not see much of the genuine, unfiltered personality of someone until you are in a relationship. Usually people are afraid to show how they really are and seem too available, too anxious, too nerdy, too nice, too safe, not funny enough, not cute enough, not someone else enough to be welcomed. 15. Anyone with whom you engage romantically, or you will be together forever, or will end up at some point. And both are concepts are equally scary. 16. When you are dating, instead of expressing how you feel directly to you, it is more likely that the person posts this in Facebook status or Instagram, a Tumblr photo, of a sunset with a phrase or excerpt of music with someone else's words, and while you can not even mention his name, it's clearly for you. 17. There are many people who have zero respect for your relationship and if they want the person you are with, they will not scruple in trying to push the boundaries to win the victim. Girl Code and guy code are illusions and human code is not incorporated at all. 18. If you take one out, it will probably be pretty brutal. People can cut ties over the phone and avoid having to see the tears rolling down your face or end it all by message and avoid hearing the pain in your voice and your runny nose. Send a long text and voila, the relationship is over. The easy way is far from being the most attentive. Source: DM

5 reasons to have sex today.

According to a study by Dr. Paul Pearsall, director of behavioral medicine at Beaumont Hospital in Detroit, several patients suffering from heart attacks had previously experienced periods of sexual dissatisfaction. Apparently, maintaining an active sex life is a good way to protect the body against a number of health problems. 2 - Goodbye, calories For those who want to lose weight, sex is a great exercise option, because it burns many calories and does not require great sacrifices. Some research shows that 30 minutes of sex can burn about 90 calories - that means that if you have sex three times a week you could lose up to five pounds in a year. 3 - Do you know that headache? It's no excuse to put sex aside, experts say. This is because sex releases certain substances that inhibit pain, such as oxytocin, in the body. According to data available in the book "How to Treat Arthritis," written by rheumatologist Carter V. Multz, sex can reduce the swelling, pain, and inflammation often associated with arthritis, menstrual cramps and headaches.
4 - Never get too old for him In the past, age was an acceptable excuse for people to stop practicing sex. Nowadays, however, it is already known that it may help replenish a number of hormones that get lost over the years - including testosterone. This property makes people who have sex on a regular basis look happier and healthier than others, regardless of their age. According to a study conducted at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland by clinical neuropsychologist David Weeks, patients who report having sex on average three to four times a week appeared to be of physical age about ten years younger than their age real. This kind of collateral benefit of sex is another reason to not stop practicing it, even as the years pass. 5 - No depression, sex is synonymous with fun "The sensation of orgasm is very effective to calm people," says Jennifer Gravez, chief of the press office at the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction, Bloomington, Indiana, USA. The statement is from a recent article published by the Institute. Jennifer explains that "[sex] helps with sleep, whether we're talking about sex alone or with a partner." The sensation of happiness is due once again to the substances released into the body at the moment of orgasm, such as serotonin. These substances promote the well-being of the individual and, therefore, sex can be an important ally in the fight against problems such as depression. Source: Women's Tips.

What is Depression ?

Depression is an affective disorder that accompanies humankind throughout its history. In the pathological sense, among the symptoms, there is presence of sadness, pessimism, low self-esteem, that appear frequently and can combine with each other. Medical follow-up is essential for both diagnosis and treatment. Causes: Depression is actually a wide family of diseases, hence called Syndrome. There is a body of evidence that shows chemical changes in the brain of the depressed individual, especially in relation to neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine and, to a lesser extent, dopamine), substances that transmit nerve impulses between cells. Other processes that occur within nerve cells are also involved. Contrary to popular belief, psychological and social factors are often the consequence and not the cause of depression. It is noteworthy that stress can precipitate depression in people with predisposition, which is probably genetic. The prevalence (number of cases in a population) of depression is estimated at 19%, which means that approximately one in five people in the world presents the problem at some point in their lives. Symptoms of Depression. They are symptoms of depression: Depressive mood or irritability, anxiety and distress. Discouragement, easy fatigue, need for greater effort to do things. Decrease or inability to feel joy and pleasure in activities previously considered enjoyable. Lack of interest, lack of motivation and apathy. Lack of will and indecision. Feelings of fear, insecurity, hopelessness, despair, helplessness and emptiness. Pessimism, frequent and disproportionate ideas of guilt, low self-esteem, sense of meaninglessness in life, worthlessness, ruin, failure, illness or death. The person may wish to die, plan a way to die or attempt suicide. Distorted and negative interpretation of reality: everything is seen under the depressive view, a "gray" tone for itself, the others and its world. Difficulty concentrating, slow thinking and forgetfulness. Decreased sexual performance (may even maintain sexual activity but without the usual pleasurable connotation) and libido Loss or increase in appetite and weight. Insomnia (difficulty sleeping, multiple awakenings or a very superficial sensation of sleep), early morning awakening (usually two hours before usual time) or, less frequently, increased sleep (sleeping too much and still getting sleepy most of time). Pain and other physical symptoms not justified by medical problems such as stomach pains, poor digestion, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, neck and shoulder strain, headache or body aches, heavy body or chest pressure , among others.
Treatment of Depression: Since this is a large family of "depressions" with multiple causalities; before any treatment is initiated, a rigorous etiological investigation is necessary. After the causes are involved, adequate therapeutic planning can be done. There are several therapeutic "tools", and the drug is one of the most important. There are over 30 antidepressants available. Contrary to what some fear, these medications are not like drugs, which make people euphoric and addictive. The therapy is simple and, in general, does not incapacitate or hinder the patient. Some patients need maintenance or preventative treatment, which can take years or a lifetime, to prevent the onset of new episodes of depression. Psychotherapy helps the patient, but does not prevent new episodes, nor does it cure depression. The technique helps in the psychological restructuring of the individual, in addition to increasing his understanding about the depression process and the resolution of conflicts, which reduces the impact caused by stress. Medications for Depression. The most commonly used medications for the treatment of depression are: Amitriptyline; Ansitec; Cinarzine; Citalopram; Clomipramine; Clonazepam; Daforin; Donaren; Escitalopram; Exodus; Fluoxetine; Lexapro; Lorax; Lorazepam; Mirtazapine; Paroxetine; Rivotril; Only a doctor can tell you which drug is most appropriate for your case, as well as the correct dosage and duration of treatment. Always follow your doctor's guidelines carefully and NEVER self-medicate. Do not stop using the medication without first consulting a doctor and if you take it more than once or in much larger amounts than prescribed, follow the instructions in the package insert. Expectations Provided that a correct diagnosis has been made that takes into account all the factors involved, what can be expected a total improvement of the depressive picture. Expectations are currently very good. With current treatment methods, and especially with the latest generation drugs, the prognosis is actually very good. Prevention. The prevention of depression can be done with some measures: Daily physical exercises if possible; Relaxation techniques; Religious rituals and religiosity; Art therapy; Recreation; Quality of sleep; Healthy and balanced nutrition; Prevention and care of other physical diseases, if any. Source: Dr. Persio Ribeiro Gomes de Deus. PSYCHIATRY - CRM 31656 / SP.

Contraceptive pill: when is it a health problem ?

Combination of estrogen and progestogen increases risk of thrombosis and stroke. "The contraceptive pill is the most studied medicine in the world," says gynecologist Hugo Miyahira of the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Associations (Febrasgo). This is because it is used by millions of women for years and affects all organs with hormone receptors. Its use prevents not only pregnancy but also ensures a regular menstrual cycle. The evolution of the method has reached its highest point with the combination of two hormones, estrogen and progestogen (the combined pill), at very low levels and more effective than ever, but, like any medicine, it has side effects. Therefore, life habits, health conditions and family history of diseases are determinant in the adoption or not of the pill. If not, other methods can be used without risk to female health. Smoking: "The association of the pill with the cigarette, especially by women over 35, raises - and a lot - the risk of cardiovascular diseases," explains the gynecologist Hugo Miyahira. Several studies show that cigarette substances affect several functions of the arterial vascular system, even when the smoke is no longer in the air. This is because these substances continue circulating in the body, favoring the accumulation of fat and cholesterol plaques in the arteries, a problem known as atherosclerosis. Add that to the fact that the combined pill favors blood clotting and the result can be disastrous, leading to a stroke, infarction, or thrombosis. Hypertension: Hypertension usually presents symptoms only at a very advanced stage and therefore it is essential to measure a woman's blood pressure before recommending the use of a contraceptive pill. According to gynecologist and obstetrician Pedro Awada, of the Hospital and Maternidade Brasil, hypertensive women already present high risk of cardiovascular diseases. This is because the heart becomes hypertrophied due to the great effort to pump the blood in the arteries and, over time, the arteries lose their elasticity, favoring the clogging and rupture of the arteries. Along with the pill, the likelihood of suffering a stroke or other problems connected to blood vessels, such as thrombosis, is much greater. Thrombosis: Thrombosis is caused by three major factors: blood vessel damage, propensity to form clots, and decreased circulation velocity. "As the pill promotes clot formation, its use is prohibited for women who have already suffered the problem or have a family history of thrombosis," explains gynecologist and obstetrician Barbara Murayama, director of the Gergin clinic in São Paulo. The thrombus usually forms in a vein located in the legs, but it can detach itself and rise to the lungs, causing pulmonary embolism, putting the woman's life at risk.Lupus: "Lupus is an extremely complex autoimmune disease that affects even blood vessels," says gynecologist Hugo. In addition, the disease may also be related to antibodies that favor blood clotting and, therefore, thrombus formation. The association with the combined pill increases the risk of stroke, infarction and thrombosis, and is therefore contraindicated for Lupus patients. Obesity: The woman with obesity is at greater risk of suffering cardiac events and, in general, is still a victim of problems such as high cholesterol and hypertension, points out the gynecologist Hugo. According to the expert, excess adipose tissue produces more than 15 substances that interfere with the functioning of the body as a whole, including hormone levels. Thus, the case needs to be well evaluated to determine the cost benefit of using this contraceptive method. In some cases, only the exclusion of estrogen, which exerts greater influence on coagulation, can be effective. Liver disease: "Any medicine used orally is metabolized in the liver," explains gynecologist Barbara. Therefore, if the person has liver damage, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis, the use of the pill may be contraindicated for overloading the organ. In addition, even with the use of the contraceptive it is possible that menstrual irregularities happen. "The unmetabolized hormone does not inhibit the production of hormones by the ovary, which does not diminish the effectiveness of the drug, but can deregulate the hormonal levels of the body," adds gynecologist Hugo.
Hormone-dependent tumors: Some cancers, such as breast cancer, have hormone receptors. In other words, they are hormone-sensitive and may have their development stimulated by hormone levels in the body. "This means that indicating the use of a pill may aggravate the situation of the tumor," explains the gynecologist Pedro. Because tumors usually present only at an advanced stage, preventive screening is critical to not letting the problem worsen. Varicose veins: "Varicose veins already report a woman with blood circulation problems," warns gynecologist Barbara. Dilated and deformed, the veins indicate that the blood is not able to follow its normal course, thus favoring the formation of clots. During the consultation, therefore, it should be evaluated whether the problem is isolated or whether it is still associated with other risk factors for cardiovascular problems, such as obesity. Therefore, the use of the combined pill is not always safe. Factor V of Leiden: "Leiden's Factor V is a genetic mutation that can increase the risk of a woman experiencing a cardiovascular event by up to 100%," explains gynecologist Barbara. The variation directly interferes with blood clotting and can be identified by laboratories in one more step of the pap smear test. According to the specialist, the action of Factor V of Leiden occurs next to the platelets, which can agglutinate and form a thrombus. Once the problem has been identified, other contraceptive methods should be considered. Source: LAURA TAVARES.

sábado, 20 de janeiro de 2018

Change the direction.

"Change it. But start slow, because steering is more important than speed. Sit in another chair on the other side of the table. Later move table. When you leave, try to walk on the other side of the street. Then, change the path, walk quietly in other streets, watching carefully the places you go. Change your clothing style for a while; give yourself the old shoes and try to walk barefoot for a few days - even if it is at home. Take a whole afternoon to walk freely, listen to the birdsong or the noise of cars. Open and close the drawers and doors with your left hand. Sleep on the other side of the bed. Then try sleeping on other beds. Watch other TV shows, read other books, live other novels - even if it's in your imagination. Sleep later Sleep early. Learn a new word a day. Eat a little less, eat a little more, eat differently; choose new seasonings, new colors, things you've never dared to experience. Have lunch in other places, go to other restaurants, buy bread at another bakery. Have lunch earlier, have dinner later, or vice versa. Try the new every day: the new side, the new method, the new flavor, the new way, the new pleasure, the new position. Choose another market, another brand of soap, another toothpaste. Take a shower at new times. Use pens of other colors. Go and visit other places. Love more and more, in different ways. Exchange your purse, your wallet, your bags, buy new glasses, write other poems. Open account in another bank. Go to other cinemas, other hairdressers, other theaters, visit new museums. Change it. And seriously think (if you're not satisfied) to get another job, a new occupation, a job more like what you expect from life, more human. If you find no reason to be free, make them up: be creative. And enjoy an unpretentious, long journey. Try new things. Replace it. Change it again. Try it again. You will certainly know better things and worse things than you have known, but that is not what matters. The most important is the change, the movement, the dynamism, the energy. Only what is dead does not change, and you are alive. "Source: Edson Marques.

Ways to Spot a Psychopath.

"Not all that are, nor all that are, are." This saying refers to psychiatric hospitals and it means that not all inmates are in fact mad and not all mad are hospitalized. People suffering from psychopathy or antisocial personality disorder are not necessarily cold and distant. They just do not feel empathy for others, nor remorse for their actions. They live by their own rules and only feel guilty when they break their code of conduct. Many are even able to live in community, because they understand social codes and know how to adapt. When a psychopath actually commits a crime, he is responsible for the crime from a legal point of view, since he is aware of his actions. But, unlike a normal defendant, there is no possibility of correction of his conduct. Rehabilitation is based on a way of life that can bring you benefits and avoid other damages. 20 Ways to Spot a Psychopath. Interpersonal facet: 1. They have good oratory and charm. They are friendly and conquering at first. 2. They have an exaggerated self-esteem. They think they're better than the others. 3. They are pathological liars. They lie primarily to gain benefits or justify their conduct. 4. They have manipulative behavior. And if they are smart enough, others will not notice this psychopathic behavior.
Emotional facet: 5. Do not feel remorse or guilt. They are never in doubt. 6. As for affectivity, they are cold and calculating. They do not accept emotions, but they can simulate feelings if necessary. 7. Do not feel empathy. They are indifferent and may manifest cruelty. 8. They have a pathological inability to take responsibility for their actions. They do not accept their mistakes. They rarely seek psychological help because they think the problem is always from others. Lifestyle facet: 9. They need constant stimulation. They get bored easily. 10. They like a parasitic lifestyle. 11. They act wildly. 12. Do not have long-term goals. They live like nomads, without direction. 13. Behave impulsively, with recurring actions that are not premeditated. They do not understand the consequences of their actions. 14. They are irresponsible.
Antisocial facet: 15. Tend to be delinquents in youth. 16. Demonstrate conduct problems since childhood. 17. They have revoked their probation. 18. They have versatility for criminal action. They prefer blows and crimes that require the manipulation of others. Others not included in any of the facets: 19. They tend to have a promiscuous sex life, with several short relationships at the same time. They like to talk about their achievements and sexual prowess. 20. They accumulate many short-term marriages. Do not commit for long for having to maintain a bond. These items form the popular method called PCL (Psychopathy Checklist) developed by Robert Hare, PhD in Psychology and professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada. Each attribute receives a score of zero to two, and for the correct diagnosis a semi-structured interview and analysis of the patient's history is also done. According to Hare, one percent of the population is psychopathic. Thanks to Hollywood, a lot of people believe that all psychopaths are like Hannibal Lecter or Dexter, lovely, for sure. But you do not have to quarter someone to be crazy. Sometimes psychopaths are closer than you think, so it's important to recognize the signs and pay attention to the people around you: someone close to you may be the victim of malicious manipulation without realizing it. Source: DWD.

How to Recognize a Sociopath.

Recognizing the signs. 1- Notice the lack of modesty. Most sociopaths can commit atrocities without feeling a bit of remorse. These actions may include physical abuse or public humiliation of others. If the person is a true sociopath, she will not feel any remorse for hurting others, lying, manipulating people or even acting unacceptably. When a sociopath does something wrong, he is more likely not to accept any guilt and instead blame others. Sociopaths are willing to hurt anyone in any situation if it means they will achieve their goals. That is why many of them are successful people. Sociopaths can be cruel to animals and will not display any remorse for it. 2- Observe if the person is constantly lying. Sociopaths feel comfortable spending their whole lives telling lies. In fact, true sociopaths even feel uncomfortable telling the truth. When they are finally caught in the act, they will continue to lie and invent new ways of supporting what they have said. However, if they are on the verge of being caught in an unbelievably large lie, they can even confess madly everything that has happened to maintain their loyalty. Sociopaths love to lie about the past as well. Look for inconsistencies in your stories. Some of them make incredible efforts to make you believe their lies. For example, a sociopath may pretend to go out to "go to work" every day, even though he is unemployed. Many sociopaths are deceived into believing that their lies are the truth. For example, Charles Manson once said, "I never killed anyone! I do not need to kill anyone!" (in reference to the fact that it was his followers who killed other people, not him directly) 3- Note if the person can maintain a strange calm despite the circumstances. A sociopath can go through a highly emotional event (for others) without feeling any emotion. Sociopaths do not understand events in the same way as neurotypical people, sometimes barely reacting to dangerous or frightening situations. If they forget to act, their reaction to any good or bad news will be similar to an empty cold look. If you feel nervous or panicky, but the person next to you is not disturbed, it may be that she does not understand the event as seriously as you. This may be a sign of a lack of empathy. This symptom includes sociopaths, who lack emotional empathy. Observe whether the person has already seemed anxious or nervous, especially in situations that would naturally provoke this reaction. Although some people are more balanced than others, most of them present some anxiety at one time or another. Studies have shown that sociopaths do not show anxiety when seeing images that would disrupt others or expect to receive small electrical shocks, while neurotypical people exhibit anxiety and fear in such situations. 4- Observe if they are extremely charming - at first. Sociopaths are great at fascinating people because they know how to get what they want. Charming people know how to make others feel special, ask the right questions about them, and generally know how to be considered fun, enjoyable, and interesting. Really charming people have the ability to delight almost anyone, from children to the elderly. If it is incredibly fascinating from the start, but the later behaviors frighten or confuse you, you may be with a sociopath in your hands. You can think of sociopaths as disguised actors who always have ulterior motives. They need to know how to entice people to get what they want. To advance their goals, they first mingle with the crowd, needing to know how to smile, greet people, and make them comfortable. Although many sociopaths can be extremely charming, they cultivate strong antisocial inclinations. In a moment, they will be charming and, in the other, cold and distant. In addition, they are not very genuine in social interactions. When people are very contradictorily opposed in their behaviors, going from antisocial to extremely charismatic, this is an indicator of disintegration of the psyche - a red flag. This may also be an attempt to find rejections and wounds to use as a form of control of others.This attitude is always accompanied by a lack of compassion or consideration for the life of another person. If the individual does not seem genuine in his or her way of acting, it may be that he is someone with sociopathic tendencies. 5- Observe if the person is manipulative. Sociopaths understand human weaknesses and exploit them to the fullest. When they are determined, they can manipulate other individuals to do almost anything. Sociopaths attack people who are weak and often stay away from equally strong people; they look for those who are sad, insecure, or looking for meaning in life, for they know they will be easy targets. In other words, a person with outstanding needs will be a prey easily manipulated through their needs. See if the individual is excellent at getting others to do what he or she wants. Sociopaths slowly gain more mastery and control over the person without her realizing it. They like to be in control of all situations and feel uncomfortable being around other strong people. They are always worried about being exposed. When strong people are around, they are afraid of being caught. They will keep the distance and, by far, make a little contact with the 'strong' person, to see if they are noticed. However, sociopaths like to attack strong people who can cheat or who do not see or expose them. When they feel exposed, they will play cards or run away ... always with the excuse that nothing makes sense. Much of the domain is conquered through psychological warfare, creating a dependency on the other person. As a poison, your goal is to weaken people over time. They decide that if they can remain invisible, they will be able to escape unharmed. Observe if the person feels completely comfortable cheating people and telling lies blatantly to get what they want. In the same way that they have little or no empathy, they also have a fairly low or poor level of integrity. 6- Check for signs of behavior that encourage violence. As children, some sociopaths torture people or defenseless animals. This violence is always manifesting itself, not defensively. They create drama of any situation or distort what others speak. If challenged or confronted, they will point the finger to the other side, counting on the empathic person's consideration and empathy to protect them, as long as they remain hidden. This attempt to point the finger to the other side serves both as a block not to be detected as an attempt to create confusion in the circumstance in which they find themselves. If you have noticed that although the person seems superficially calm, he may freak out and become violent at any moment, but to return to quietness soon after, he may be exhibiting sociopathic tendencies.7- See if the person has a huge ego. Sociopaths often have illusions of grandiosity and think they are the most important people in the world. They are completely insensitive to criticism and have an incredibly swollen self-esteem. In addition, they will demonstrate a great sense of entitlement, if they deem worthy of others creating extraordinary things for them, without having any consideration for their welfare. They do not care about others, they just want to use them. [3] They may also have a completely false view of their own abilities; for example, may consider themselves extremely talented in singing or dancing when in reality they have no skill in those areas. They are deluded, which is usually true, or just speak such things to strengthen the disguise or mask they use or create for their deceptive purposes. One may think that it is better than everyone around, without any evidence pointing this out. She may also be narcissistic. In that case, the person will be much more interested in talking about themselves than listening to what others have to say. In addition, she spends much more time looking in the mirror than observing other people in the world. In general, she does not want to hear anything that others have to say. 8 - See if the individual has few true friends. Although not everyone is lucky in the friendship lottery, their custody should always be high if the person has virtually no true friends. She may have lackeys, who spend time with her just to be sent, or people standing around to take the leftovers from what is conquered; try to find out if it has meaningful connections with others. If she practically has no friends, there is a good chance that there is something wrong with her, unless she is very timid or has another compelling reason not to have friends. This also works for family members. If the person does not have contact with any family member and never talks about them, there may also be a problem. Of course, she may have other reasons not to talk to certain people, such as having a difficult childhood. Look for an absence of connection with the past. If she has practically no friends of high school, college or any part of the past or of life, she may also be a sociopath. After being exposed or finding a more ideal victim, she will move on. What you always want is to cause damage to other people's lives. 9- Observe if the person likes to leave it isolated. Sociopaths like to meet people, move quickly, and get close. That way, you will not have enough time to go back or think twice. You will notice that, even after a few weeks, the sociopath has been acting very intimately and intensely around you, if it is a romantic relationship. It can even make you feel like you're a soul mate, just because you're incredibly capable of reading people and saying exactly what they want to hear. The sociopath has probably determined that you have a pending need or a dream of having a close relationship and consider it a good opportunity to wear a mask that matches that need or dream. In the end, he will still want you just for him instead of "sharing" with the world. [5]If you are leaving, the sociopath will quickly try to stop you from going out with friends, because you will feel threatened by them. He'll make up excuses for not spending time with them, saying things like "they do not understand me like you," "they never give me a chance," or "they're just putting him against me because they do not like me." He places himself as a victim to the extreme and tries to awaken the victim's empathic protection, thereby trying to make you feel as if you are the only one capable of saving him, who must spend all his time with him and listen only to what he has to tell. 10- Observe if the person is immature. Sociopaths do not learn from their mistakes and always repeat the same misconceptions, over and over again. In this way, they do not mature or develop like other people. Look for immature behaviors that may be hidden beneath the look of charisma and charm. Here are some points to note: Extreme egoism. The person wants everything for himself at any cost. This comes with an unwillingness to share. An immense ego. She is so obsessed with herself that she does not care about anyone else. Need. The person wants you to be there for her whenever you deem it important. Inability to deal with responsibilities. The person is not prepared to deal with or receive any form of meaningful responsibility. It will pass any task on to others and take credit by ignoring failures or avoiding liability altogether.
Escaping the Sociopath: 1- Do not give him anything he wants from you. When dealing with sociopaths, be as tedious as possible so as not to fuel your lack of enthusiasm. Sociopaths get bored very easily. This also includes not giving them the emotional entertainment they desire. Keep your cool by talking to him and do not get carried away or get into a discussion. Also, pretend to have nothing the sociopath might want from you. Pretend you lost your money, had your things stolen, or something like that. No matter what you give him, find an excuse - no confrontation or emotion involved - to not be able to do it anymore. 2- Stay away if possible. After confirming that the person is completely sociopathic, it is best to avoid it as much as necessary. If it is a co-worker or someone in your circle of friends, it may not be possible to avoid it altogether, but you can still distance yourself as much as possible. Remember that a sociopath will be able to detect your desire to move away, further intensifying your efforts on you; be firm and determined to spend as little time as possible with him. This is not to say that you must act openly cruel or hostile; otherwise, you can even put yourself in a dangerous situation. Do not tell the person "I know you're a sociopath." This can make you angry or even more determined to win over you. It is important that she does not know that you have deciphered her; just stay as far away as possible without being rude. 3- Be immune to the sociopath's charms. He may try to enchant you and earn you gifts, compliments or stories given solely with the intention of appearing to be someone pleasant. Remember that once you have determined that this person is sociopathic, there is no turning back. No amount of charming behavior or lies can win you back to his side. Do not let him gain a second chance by flattery and flattery. Do not give in. The sociopath may even make you feel sorry for him, talking about how lonely he is and how important you are to him. However, if he is as liar and manipulative as you have determined, there is no possibility of feeling sorry for him, other than regretting that he is suffering from a mental problem.4- If you are dating this person, quit the relationship as soon as possible. If you are dating the sociopath, you should escape as quickly and safely as possible. The longer you wait, the worse things will be and most likely you will be sucked back into the person's line of thinking. If you need to end the relationship, talk to her as soon as possible; needless to say you want the end of dating because she is a sociopath. Remember that there is a big difference between a careless person and a sociopath. You may even call someone a sociopath because you have treated him badly or because you act selfishly, but these may be mere character flaws. A full sociopath really does not care what anyone thinks or feels - in any situation. If you're really in a controller or manipulator relationship, you might not want to end up on your own. You may want to end up on the phone or invite a friend with you to pick up your things. A sociopath will not accept 'no' as an answer. If you try to end the relationship, he can go into desperation and even take violent action to force you to stay. 5. Tell other people. While it is not necessary to go around proclaiming that the person is a sociopath to the whole world (unless it is a real danger to others), consider telling people who are closest to it. Do not irritate 'the person' by telling everyone that she is a sociopath. However, if a situation arises in which a potential victim really needs to be warned, do not be afraid to say what you think. Consider each case as a case. If the person in question is a superior in the company, then it really is not a good idea to go out and warn others about it. But you should stay as far as possible. Think for yourself. Sociopaths attack people who have trouble thinking on their own or who are looking for someone to guide them. The best way to become immune to charms or to lessen the likelihood of finding sociopaths in the future is to be sure that you know who you are and be able to create your own ideas and see the world in your own eyes. Sociopaths stay away from people with strong mindsets and original thinkers, as they know they are difficult to control. [6] Although it may take a lifetime to be able to think exclusively on your own, to make an effort to learn about current events, to understand the various sides of any situation, and to spend time with people with thoughts different from yours can be incredibly useful in his quest for autonomy of thought. Part of this is about trust. If you feel confident about yourself, you will also have more confidence in your ideas. And you'll be much more likely to chase away any sociopaths who come your way!7- Abandon the fear of the sociopath. Instead of yielding, use your own reasoning ability (as noted earlier), the reason and the calmness to react. First of all, a sociopath can fake absolutely everything, including what was listed above, so that if he is simulating something, it is not worth being diplomatic and putting himself in a dead end. Secondly, sociopaths are intelligent, a point that can serve as a source of great anxiety if you try to accompany him or pretend to be so wise or knowledgeable - or, more likely, avoid the immense need he has to put his own intelligence or cleverness in the center of everything. If you stop fearing the sociopath and stop trying to be better or be on the same level, becoming more accepting of yourself and valuing what makes you worthy and valuable, he will have great difficulties in manipulating you. Most sociopaths are not murderers, sadists or a set of monsters; are human beings that must be dealt with carefully. They did not choose to be sociopaths, any more than you chose to be a victim of their traps. However, you can hamper or facilitate the manipulation you will get on your weaker side, so the choice is in your hands. Educate yourself as to the means by which human beings manipulate and mistrust others and arm themselves with those who will be used to overcome them, so that they can follow their life normally. This is not to say that the sociopath will value his attitude of showing himself strong and his refusal to yield. However, it will stop spending energy on you or try to manipulate you, knowing that you will discover your intentions at all times. This is boring, and no sociopath likes boredom.
Some scientists believe that sociopaths suffer from damage to the prefrontal cortex, which regulates emotions and morality, for example. Sociopaths tend to blame the victim for their failures. They can never admit their mistakes and instead attack the victims. This behavior is key in any medical diagnosis. Most individuals are aware of their need to hide negative traits and are generally composed of good actors (adapted to be different), so that these more obvious behaviors are usually noticed in less intelligent, younger, or psychologically deficient sociopaths (incapable of hiding cruel or gross antisocial behavior). Some experts say that many sociopaths are people who have suffered child abuse. Sociopathic behavior is strongly hereditary. Observe the problems of the family to really know the personality of the individual. You know a sociopath will lie about your past, so take everything he says with a little skepticism. Also, look for consistencies in your stories. Generally, there will be one or two details among all inventions that remain the same. They could be true or, yet, something they say so often that they think is true. If a person is "too good to be true," it is likely to be. This is the case for any diagnosis of pathologies, including sociopathies, borderline personality disorders and narcissism. Sociopaths generally know how to make others consider them victims, although they are the aggressors. This kind of person will say things for you to forgive and, in the future, deny saying anything. This is a mental game tactic. Realize that he can try to manipulate you and learn to observe when these attempts come into play. Otherwise, it can lead you to do things you do not want. Try to manipulate it. Although difficult, this can be very rewarding if you are able to do so. For this, it is necessary to make you think that it was an idea of ​​him. Make him believe that he wants to do what you want him to do. If you think that you had nothing to do with the idea, it will be more likely to do it. Sociopaths are often emotionally exaggerated in their youth. They watch others' reactions to circumstances and imitate such reactions. Pay close attention and you will notice that they react with a certain delay. They may look like sensitive children who imitate emotions they see, but exaggeratedly. Write down the details of your interactions - with date, time and description.These grades will be valuable in knowing what was said, what happened, and so on - and may be vital if you need legal proof to get a restraining order. Warnings: Sociopaths are excellent liars because they are not aware. They will use every justification for their actions as much as possible in order to avoid being discovered by who they really are. Sociopaths are less likely to have emotions and therefore are able to use theirs against you. It is more effective to deal with people in terms they can understand; so if it is necessary to deal with a sociopath, leave emotions and feelings aside, or he will be able to control them. Be immune to the sociopath's charms. This is crucial. Do not let him know that you've already deciphered him. While this may have several outcomes depending on the sociopath, it is still better that he does not know to what extent you know. Although not all sociopaths are violent, it is best to distance yourself from these people on any emotional level or friendship level. Sociopathic tendencies are often confused with many problems, such as autism, and vice versa. The main difference is that sociopaths are not aware, but autistic people care, but they do not know how to respond or react, and they do it the wrong way. Source: ↑ ↑ ↑ diseases-conditions / antisocial-personality-disorder / basics / tests-diagnosis / CON-20027920

Herbal medicine fights depression and anxiety.

Traditional medicine advances more and more every day. New forms of treatments for innumerable evils are discovered and medications are developed to tend to millions of people. However, all of these medications can cause side effects and even dependence. To help with this issue, more and more people have gone in search of herbal treatments. "The phytotherapics, which are made with plants and act similarly to synthetic drugs, unlike medicinal plants. Like all medicines, they go through a series of researches to prove their effectiveness. The medicinal plants can be used in other ways, such as in the preparation of teas, for example ", explains the nutritionist and phytotherapist Ana Paula Moura. In cases of diseases that affect the nervous system and emotional balance, such as anxiety and depression, herbal medicines have been increasingly applied, especially for their effectiveness. "Anxiety is a normal reaction to situations that can provoke fear, doubt or expectation. The generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), according to the mental illness classification manual (DSM.IV), is a disorder characterized by "excessive worry or apprehensive expectation", disproportionate to the persistent and difficult control factor that persists for at least six months and is accompanied by three or more of the following symptoms: restlessness, fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension and sleep disturbance, "explains the nutritionist. Several medicinal plants have historicity of employment for anxiety disorders, with soothing and sedative effect, being able to be used, along with the traditional drug treatment, aiding the treatment, but always with the guidance of a specialist in Phytotherapy, as there are some substances that are not compatible. "In addition, only a phytotherapist will have enough knowledge to make this association, always taking into consideration the individuality of each patient," Ana explains. Among the most used and found in herbal medicine establishments, nutritionist Ana Paula highlights melissa and chamomile . "They are plants that are known to most people and are widely used in teas. As with nafitoterapia, the principles of these vegetables are activated so that there is a superior effectiveness of a tea and that does not cause adverse effects, unlike synthetic drugs, "he explains.
(1) Melissa (Melissa officinalis) - Also known as lemon balm, it has mildly soothing essential oils. (2) Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) - This type of chamomile has calming effect. (3) St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) - It is the most efficient to combat depression, but can not be taken without a prescription and, mainly, without the accompaniment of the qualified professional in Phytotherapy. (4) Passiflora (Passiflora incarnata) - This species of passion fruit helps control anxiety and depression. (5) Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) - Its properties are extracted from the root. Improves sleep. Very used in the production of herbal medicines and in tea and infusions, despite the bitter taste. Source: Dra Ana Paula Moura - Nutritionist.

Orgasm ... why not ?

I am very amazed to see that there are women in the 21st century who still do not know what it is to have an orgasm, who have never had the pleasure of feeling what is "this thing" for real. All women know that they are masters in the art of pretending and we will agree that pretending pleasure is the easiest thing in the world (for a woman of course!). But on the other hand, it's very frustrating ... But why do we pretend then? To please the partner, so that "he" feels satisfied with his performance as a macho lover, our insecurity or that we do not feel "less woman"? And our pleasure, where is it? Have you stopped to think about this? I'll tell you a story: One day, a few years ago, I stopped to think precisely because I thought having an orgasm was a utopia, a rather platonic thing, that did not really exist. Even as I listened to my friends commenting on wonders on the subject, I felt like a stranger, a being from another world. I'd been married for six years to a man who never cared if I enjoyed him or not. Only that I married a virgin and without any experience, I really thought that after my honeymoon, I would wake up "different" ... but the disappointment the other day when I woke up exactly the same was frustrating, because only long after I discovered that love "it's two". I chose to marry a selfishly correct being - with himself, anyway ... There was a time, after my separation, that I began to investigate on the subject on the internet, I was ashamed to talk to anyone about it, even though none of my friends at the time admitted never to have had such orgasm. So I looked for answers on reliable sites, not self-help, nor pornographic, but on those who spoke about women's experiences with orgasm in a serious and reliable way. I can not remember what the sites were, but I can say that I learned a lot from these searches. Until one day, from trying so hard, I finally felt it. And alone. Yes, my first orgasm was making love to myself, the way I learned, in the shower !
The problem (if you can call it a problem) is that when you finally learn the way of roses, you do not accept to follow another, do not take the roses, you see? The fact is that one of these days talking about it with my sister and a friend, I said without shame and asked if they had already felt an orgasm in life. My sister, married for years, disavowed as best she could, her friend did not answer. And I thought, "Poor things!" So ... My beloved (and dear ones) orgasm is not utopia, it's not platonic or anything like it. There is yes and it has nothing to do with "seeing stars on the ceiling of the room" as my friends spoke in the old days. To have an orgasm (or several) is to feel the body exploding with pleasure in the form of joy. This moment is unique and it is certainly the most delicious thing to feel in life. The body makes the soul so happy that you feel like you could die right now. It may seem like an exaggeration, but it's the truth! You can believe me ... [Dulce Miller's text on the dream girl's website] "The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I think the true cycle of life is all backwards We're supposed to die first, get rid of it right away So I live in an asylum, until I'm kicked out there for being very young Win a gold watch and go to work So you work 40 years until you're young enough to enjoy it you go to college, you have several girlfriends, you become a child, you have no responsibility, you become a little baby on your lap, you return to your mother's womb , he spends his last nine months of life floating, and ends it all with a great orgasm !


Insomnia is characterized by the inability to reconcile sleep and may manifest itself in its initial, intermediate or final period. The time required for restful sleep varies from person to person. Most, however, need to sleep for seven to eight hours to wake up. Recent research suggests that those who consider that they sleep four or five hours a night would actually need more sleep. Apparently, older people sleep less. However, the time spent sleeping can be exactly the same as that of the youth, divided into shorter periods and more superficial sleep. Locating the causes of insomnia can be facilitated by polysomnography, an examination that monitors the patient while sleeping. Insomnia can be treated with medications that must be prescribed by the doctor. Do not self-medicate. Causes of Insomnia Insomnia can have both organic and psychic causes. Research indicates the inadequate production of serotonin by the body and the stress caused by everyday wear or by limiting situations as the most important causes. Recommendations Some simple lifestyle changes can help fight insomnia, even when it is chronic: * Limit caffeine consumption in coffee, teas, colas, chocolates, etc. Even the caffeine used as an ingredient in some foods can hinder the sleep of the most sensitive people; * Talk to your doctor about the medicines you are using. Certain decongestant medications can be as stimulating as caffeine; * Exercise regularly, but not near bedtime. Regular physical activity is essential for anxiety sufferers and helps you sleep better. However, vigorous exercise at night can disrupt sleep; * Establish a routine for your bedtime and wake-up call. The biological clock responds better if accustomed to regular hours. Even on weekends, try to keep the schedule set for weekdays; * Try to relax before going to bed. Listen to music, read a little, talk, watch a movie. Remember that after a night of restful sleep, solutions to problems can flow better. If none of this is resolved, it is worth seeking professional help; * Use relaxation techniques. Progressively contract and relax all the muscles of the body, beginning with the toes and ending in the face. Gently massage the scalp. Try to visualize a scene or landscape that brings you satisfaction; * Take a warm bath. Let the water flow through the body for a while, as this helps to relax tense muscles; * Take a glass of warm milk. Milk contains the amino acid tryptophan, which relaxes muscles and induces sleep; * Try to ingest herbal teas like chamomile, fennel, lemon balm, etc. They have been used for centuries by people who guarantee their relaxing action; * Make sure there is no light in the room and the temperature is pleasant. Even little light can disturb some people's sleep. * Wear ear protectors if noise bothers and there is no way to eliminate it; * Choose the right mattress for your weight and height. Very soft or very hard mattresses are contraindicated; *Book bed only for sleeping and for intimate relationships. Avoid reading, watching TV, working and talking in the bedroom; * Sexual intercourse is relaxing. After orgasm, people tend to become drowsy; * Get up if you could not sleep after thirty minutes lying down. Staying in bed awake can increase anxiety, irritation and, consequently, insomnia. Try to get distracted by some quiet activity and then, more tired, go back to bed and try to sleep. Repeat the layout if necessary. Using this technique, many people can reverse the process. Warning Chronic insomnia requires professional judgment. It is indispensable to find out what is causing this difficulty to sleep, because the absence of restful sleep can harm the physical and mental health of the individuals. Therefore, it is no wonder that torturers prevent the accused from sleeping when they want to extract a confession from them. Source: General Practice.


Bipolar affective disorder is a complex psychiatric disorder. Its most striking feature is the alternation, sometimes sudden, of episodes of depression with those of euphoria (mania and hypomania) and asymptomatic periods between them. The seizures may vary in intensity (mild, moderate and severe), frequency and duration. Humorous fluctuations have negative repercussions on the behavior and attitudes of patients, and the reaction they provoke is always disproportionate to the facts that triggered or even depended on them. In general, this mood disorder manifests itself in both men and women, between the ages of 15 and 25, but can also affect children and older people. Types According to DSM.IV and ICD-10 (international manuals for diagnostic classification), bipolar disorder can be classified into the following types: 1) Type IO bipolar disorder disorder presents periods of mania, which last in the minimum, seven days, and depressed mood phases, ranging from two weeks to several months. Both in mania and in depression, symptoms are intense and lead to profound behavioral and behavioral changes that can compromise not only family, affective and social relationships, but also the professional performance, economic position and safety of the patient and the people who live with him. The condition may be severe enough to require hospital admission because of the increased risk of suicide and the incidence of psychiatric complications. 2) Type II bipolar disorder There is alternation between episodes of depression and those of hypomania (milder state of euphoria, excitement, optimism, and sometimes aggressiveness), with no greater detriment to the behavior and activities of the wearer. 3) Unspecified or mixed bipolar disorder Symptoms suggest the diagnosis of bipolar disorder but are not sufficient in number or duration to classify the disease into one of the two types above. 4) Cyclothymic disorder This is the milder picture of bipolar disorder, marked by chronic mood swings, which may occur on the same day. The patient alternates symptoms of hypomania and mild depression, which are often understood as belonging to an unstable or irresponsible temperament. Causes The actual cause of bipolar disorder has not yet been determined, but genetic factors, changes in certain areas of the brain, and levels of various neurotransmitters are known to be involved. Likewise, it has already been demonstrated that some events may precipitate the manifestation of this mood disorder in genetically predisposed people. These include: frequent episodes of depression or early onset of these seizures, puerperium, prolonged stress, appetite suppressant drugs (anorectics and amphetamines), and thyroid dysfunctions such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Diagnosis The diagnosis of bipolar disorder is clinical, based on the history and symptom reporting by the patient or a friend or family member. In general, it takes more than ten years to complete because the signs can be confused with those of diseases like schizophrenia, major depression, panic syndrome, anxiety disorders. Depression: depressed mood, deep sadness, apathy, lack of interest in activities that previously gave pleasure, social isolation, changes in sleep and appetite, significant reduction of libido, difficulty in establishing a differential diagnosis before proposing any therapeutic measures. concentration, fatigue, recurring feelings of worthlessness, excessive guilt, frustration and lack of meaning for life, forgetfulness, suicidal ideation. Mania: a state of exuberant euphoria, with appreciation of self-esteem and self-confidence, little need for sleep, psychomotor agitation, lack of control when coordinating ideas, attention deficit, compulsion to speak, increased libido, irritability and growing impatience, aggressive behavior, mania of greatness. At this stage, the patient may take actions that will reverse injury to himself or others, such as dismissal, uncontrolled spending of money, hasty affective involvement, increased sexual activity and, in more serious cases, delusions and hallucinations. Hypomania: the symptoms are similar to those of mania, but much milder and with less repercussion on the activities and relationships of the patient, who is more euphoric, more talkative, sociable and active than usual. In general, the crisis is brief, only lasts a few days. For diagnostic purposes, it is necessary to ensure that the reaction was not induced by the use of antidepressants. Treatment Bipolar disorder has no cure but can be controlled. Treatment includes the use of medications, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes such as the cessation of psychoactive substance use (caffeine, amphetamines, alcohol, and cocaine, for example), the development of healthy eating and sleeping habits and reduction of stress levels. According to the type, severity and evolution of the disease, the prescription of neuroleptic drugs, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, anxiolytics and mood stabilizers, especially lithium carbonate, has been shown to reverse acute euphoria and prevent recurrence of crises. The association of lithium with antidepressants and anticonvulsants has been shown to be more effective in preventing relapse. However, antidepressants should be used with caution because they can cause a rapid turn of depression into euphoria, or accelerate the incidence of seizures. Psychotherapy is another important resource in the treatment of bipolarity, since it offers support for the patient to overcome the difficulties imposed by the characteristics of the disease, helps to prevent the recurrence of seizures and, especially, promotes adherence to the drug treatment that, as occurs in the most chronic diseases, must be maintained throughout life. Recommendations: Bipolar disorder patients and their families need to be aware that: * following treatment closely is the best way to prevent emotional instability and recurrence of seizures, which ensures the possibility of practically normal life; * the remedies may not have the desired effect in the first few doses, which often need to be adjusted throughout the treatment; * prolonged depressive episodes without adequate treatment may increase the risk of suicide in bipolar patients by 15%; * the patient may seek relief for symptoms in alcohol and other drugs, a solution that only helps to aggravate the condition; * alternating the phase of depression with that of mania can give the false feeling that the person is cured and no longer needs treatment; * The family may also need psychotherapeutic follow-up, for two different reasons: first, because the disorder may affect all who live directly with the patient; second, because it needs to be guided on how to cope in the day-to-day with the sufferers of the disorder. Source: Psychiatry.

Psychosomatic Diseases.

Emotional background diseases have long been studied by psychology along with "psychiatry" medicine. The psychosomatic is a fascinating subject and deals with mind-body intercommunication. Much is said about the power of our brain over health and makes us think, "Since we are" powerful "in creating diseases, can we apply this power in the cure of diseases? Can your brain be your own doctor? Psychosomatic illness and Somatization refer to different aspects of the same point: the influence of the mind on the health of our body. What is Somatization When someone says that the person is somatizing is saying that this person has physical symptoms even if there is no physical illness - the cause of these symptoms is emotional. For example, in the case of the person who experiences tachycardia, the heart goes off and she goes to the doctor thinking that she has a heart problem, arriving there she does tests, and not accusing anything, the doctor dismisses the patient saying that he is well physically. This tachycardia may be a symptom of panic - panic syndrome. This is somatization. The exams do not accuse anything because the person has nothing physically, the physical suffering is a reflection of the emotional suffering, which is hidden. The correct thing in this situation is that the doctor refers the person to a treatment with a psychologist and a specialist doctor "Psychiatrist". Only the Psychologist together with the Psychiatrist can treat and alleviate this suffering, which although manifesting in the body is essentially mental, is psychological. Help should be done emotionally. Somatization is when the person presents symptoms whose assessment of the physician does not identify any organic problem, but identifies a psychological cause, and the treatment is done with the Psychologist - Cognitive and the Psychiatrist at the medication level to ameliorate signs and symptoms. What is Psychosomatic Disease When we use "psychosomatic illness" we say that the cause is psychological, but the person has clinical abnormalities detectable by laboratory tests, that is, the person's body is having physical damage - we call it psychosomatic illness. It is a physical disease, true but with psychological cause, that is, the disease appeared in the body, as an allergy for example. In this case the person should deal with both the Psychologist and the Physician. With the doctor she treats the body, and with the psychologist treats the mind - the head, the emotions. Hypochondriasis The hypochondriac is the famous disease maniac. Unjustly condemned for "wanting to draw attention". The picture where the person wants to draw attention will be explained in the next topic. In hypochondria one does not "want" to be sick, in fact he has an absurd fear of illness, he is so afraid, he thinks so much of it that he ends up seeing illness where he has absolutely nothing. In reality you make more noticeable everything that holds in your thoughts, for example, you just decide to buy a silver color Pallium car, get out on the street and you will see silver-colored Pallium cars in every corner. In the same way if a person is very worried about the dengue mosquito you will see mosquitoes everywhere, where they have always been, they are not dengue mosquitoes, but concern will cause you to evaluate one by one in a brutal emotional wear and tear.
The body also affects the mind A physical illness causes mental suffering beyond organic suffering. A person who has a disease that physically weakens her, that leaves her away from others can start a depression for example. In these cases you should receive medical and psychological treatment. This means that treating a psychological problem helps treat the diseases of the body and also prevents your mental suffering from causing the body to become ill. Emotional Background Diseases One type of problem that has a lot to do with the psychological (but still is not 100%) is infertility. I'm sure you've heard the story that someone who wanted to get very pregnant and could not, was only adopting a child who became pregnant. It is not ? What happened ? Why adopting a child makes it easier for a woman to become pregnant? What happened is that it reduces anxiety. She reassures. If she did a therapy, she could also control that anxiety and get pregnant. Anxiety causes infertility. Alias ​​Every good fertilization clinic has a psychologist on staff. Every illness, or any endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, immunological, and skin symptom is the type of illness that can be mistrusted psychologically. So, allergy, infections, shortness of breath, tachycardia, all this can be psychosomatic illness. Cognitive behavioral therapy is very effective for this job, close to 100% efficiency when treated with a serious professional. It is a brief therapy, focused on the problem and with quick results on somatizations. Which is a great relief to those who are suffering now. Illnesses initiated by psychological distress range from allergies, bulimia, infertility, infarction, diabetes and glandular dysfunctions. Psychological distress can be significant events in childhood, such as separation of the child from the mother, or because the mother had to move, or by force abuse, abuse of the child, verbal or physical abuse, strong things that were said to the child, or hit the child. Stressful events, not only in childhood, but at any stage of life, death of someone close to you, change of work, home moving, or job dissatisfaction, or problems with her husband, her boyfriend, all of this may be triggering a psychosomatic illness. The body becomes ill, and at first the person does not relate to these problems, thinks that they had nothing to do with the disease, but it is related to yes.
Function of the symptom - Is the pain good for anything? Mental suffering is left behind, you think you are forgotten, but it is there acting muted, and if you do not work your emotional, this suffering can find a way to manifest, an escape valve, which is the symptom, which gradually making your body sick. Every symptom has the same function, to warn you that something is not going well, that you have to treat this thing. Somatization too, it is calling you to pay attention to yourself, and see what is wrong in your life: Your relationship with colleagues? Your marriage ? Job dissatisfaction? Difficulty in studies? Look at this. Treat what has to be treated. Treat the emotional, because the body is only calling your attention so that you see that the psychological is not well. Often, when you look for a Doctor with a somatization, someone says it's "freshness." If the General Practitioner said that you have nothing, you suffer doubly, because you feel you have something but you do not know what it is. Psychosomatic illness is not "lying" disease is a disease that the General Practitioner could not identify the cause, so he tends to tell you "Be calm, it 's okay" but it' s all wrong, you are in pain, itchy , with dry mouth, heart jumping, stomach ache, you are sweating cold, how is everything okay? Is the doctor able to identify the emotional illness? Unfortunately not every doctor is prepared to refer the patient to the right professional, who is the Psychologist and the Psychiatrist. But if I can help you identify the emotional illness and provide you with the much needed psychological help I already feel fulfilled. Psychotherapy works positive changes in attitudes, changes the way of thinking and acting - it helps to control psychological distress. Your brain can be your doctor, but you need a "pilot" for that brain so it can give the right command to your mind. To work these and other issues count on the Psychologist "cognitive therapies" and a Medic Psychiatrist "drug therapy".
Obs: All treatment of psychosomatic diseases should be treated with the Physician "Psychiatrist" who will come with the medicine to immediately relieve the symptoms of the body. The Psychologist will enter with Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy to improve the distortions of the mind in terms of thinking and behavior. All the two professionals work together for a better clinical picture of the patient, which goes from stabilizing the cure of the disease. And finally the question that does not want to be silent: If I take the medications prescribed by the "Psychiatrist" Doctor Whether they are: black stripe or special "controlled" white prescription, do I get addicted to the medicines? No, medications controlled under the supervision of the Physician "Psychiatrist" do not cause dependence. At the right time, the Doctor knows the exact time to decrease the dosage until withdrawal or complete suspension of the medication. Anyway, what is harmful to the patient is the misinformation or the prejudice towards it. Source: Medical Clinic.