domingo, 21 de janeiro de 2018

In search of pleasure without commitment.

In search of pleasure without commitment. Independently economically, women are increasingly admitting to the practice of casual sex instead of stable and serious relationships. More space in the labor market, greater independence from men, less social repression. These are some of the factors responsible for changing women's sexual behavior in recent decades. Less preoccupied with social stigmas, they are more open to ephemeral, uncompromising relationships that can often last only one night. Research by psychologist Pamela Regan, a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, shows that female sexual behavior has changed. After interviewing a thousand women and a thousand men, the researcher revealed that the number of Americans who admit to casual sex has increased 50% in the last twenty years. It's twice as much as in the early 1980s. Another curious fact that the survey has brought to the fore is that, at the time of casual sex, most women choose the partner by appearance. In Brazil, although no statistic confirms this behavior, the trend of uncommitted sex can also be observed. According to Nalu Faria, coordinator of the non-governmental organization Siempreviva Feminista Organization (SOF) in São Paulo, the insertion of the female class in the labor market is the main factor that led to this change. "Today's women have more financial autonomy and, consequently, are freer to choose their own ways and satisfy their desires the way they want," he says. Feeling guilty The change in society values ​​ended with "social punishment", which, according to Nalu, generated in women a great sense of guilt. "In the old days, the rule was to marry a virgin. Parents would never forgive a daughter who lost her virginity before marriage. Now that sort of charge has almost disappeared. The exception is finding a bride who has not had sex yet, "he says. It is not only the influence of the family on the sexual life of the woman that has less and less relevance. Eleonora Menicucci, a sociologist and sanitarist, director of the Center for Collective Health Studies at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), added that the role of the Church was also fundamental to this transformation. "Rather, the sense of guilt was closely linked to the idea of ​​sin instituted by the Catholic Church. But as society came to view sex more naturally, the Church lost strength in that regard, "says the sociologist. "Today, women are taking the reins of their own lives." Erotic Points Associated with financial and social independence, another important achievement for sexual freedom was the knowledge the woman acquired from her own body.
The great transformation happened in the 60's with the discovery of erotic zones. Until then, the female role was basically restricted to the reproduction and satisfaction of man. "But with the feminist revolution, women gain the right to exercise their will over pleasure. She discovers the clitoris, realizes that she can have pleasure and that she also needs orgasm. Finally, it awakens to an awareness that it has the same need for sex as man, "explains the sociologist. The search for pleasure gained reinforcement with the advent of the contraceptive pill. "The woman could have sex without getting pregnant. This made her worry more about pleasure and go after more 'egalitarian' relationships with men, "adds Nalu. Losses and gains Little by little, the woman admits the possibility of living sporadic relationships. Flirt with the man without fear of punishment. It allows yourself to experiment, exercise your sexuality freely. It is not a matter of simple sexual compulsion, but of living pleasure by pleasure alone. "In some cases, the experience may even be a way to find the ideal partner," says Nalu. The big disadvantage is to think that this happens frequently. The chances of a stable relationship starting from an adventure are paltry. As the name says, casual sex does not involve commitment. It's fun. There is another aspect that can not be ignored. Those who practice this type of sex must always be alert to the prevention of infectious diseases and, of course, to unwanted pregnancies. "This is a more common problem among young women. They do even when the partner does not or does not want to use a condom, "cries Eleonora. Source: Feminine Touch.

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