sábado, 20 de janeiro de 2018

Orgasm ... why not ?

I am very amazed to see that there are women in the 21st century who still do not know what it is to have an orgasm, who have never had the pleasure of feeling what is "this thing" for real. All women know that they are masters in the art of pretending and we will agree that pretending pleasure is the easiest thing in the world (for a woman of course!). But on the other hand, it's very frustrating ... But why do we pretend then? To please the partner, so that "he" feels satisfied with his performance as a macho lover, our insecurity or that we do not feel "less woman"? And our pleasure, where is it? Have you stopped to think about this? I'll tell you a story: One day, a few years ago, I stopped to think precisely because I thought having an orgasm was a utopia, a rather platonic thing, that did not really exist. Even as I listened to my friends commenting on wonders on the subject, I felt like a stranger, a being from another world. I'd been married for six years to a man who never cared if I enjoyed him or not. Only that I married a virgin and without any experience, I really thought that after my honeymoon, I would wake up "different" ... but the disappointment the other day when I woke up exactly the same was frustrating, because only long after I discovered that love "it's two". I chose to marry a selfishly correct being - with himself, anyway ... There was a time, after my separation, that I began to investigate on the subject on the internet, I was ashamed to talk to anyone about it, even though none of my friends at the time admitted never to have had such orgasm. So I looked for answers on reliable sites, not self-help, nor pornographic, but on those who spoke about women's experiences with orgasm in a serious and reliable way. I can not remember what the sites were, but I can say that I learned a lot from these searches. Until one day, from trying so hard, I finally felt it. And alone. Yes, my first orgasm was making love to myself, the way I learned, in the shower !
The problem (if you can call it a problem) is that when you finally learn the way of roses, you do not accept to follow another, do not take the roses, you see? The fact is that one of these days talking about it with my sister and a friend, I said without shame and asked if they had already felt an orgasm in life. My sister, married for years, disavowed as best she could, her friend did not answer. And I thought, "Poor things!" So ... My beloved (and dear ones) orgasm is not utopia, it's not platonic or anything like it. There is yes and it has nothing to do with "seeing stars on the ceiling of the room" as my friends spoke in the old days. To have an orgasm (or several) is to feel the body exploding with pleasure in the form of joy. This moment is unique and it is certainly the most delicious thing to feel in life. The body makes the soul so happy that you feel like you could die right now. It may seem like an exaggeration, but it's the truth! You can believe me ... [Dulce Miller's text on the dream girl's website] "The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I think the true cycle of life is all backwards We're supposed to die first, get rid of it right away So I live in an asylum, until I'm kicked out there for being very young Win a gold watch and go to work So you work 40 years until you're young enough to enjoy it you go to college, you have several girlfriends, you become a child, you have no responsibility, you become a little baby on your lap, you return to your mother's womb , he spends his last nine months of life floating, and ends it all with a great orgasm !

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