sábado, 20 de janeiro de 2018

Ways to Spot a Psychopath.

"Not all that are, nor all that are, are." This saying refers to psychiatric hospitals and it means that not all inmates are in fact mad and not all mad are hospitalized. People suffering from psychopathy or antisocial personality disorder are not necessarily cold and distant. They just do not feel empathy for others, nor remorse for their actions. They live by their own rules and only feel guilty when they break their code of conduct. Many are even able to live in community, because they understand social codes and know how to adapt. When a psychopath actually commits a crime, he is responsible for the crime from a legal point of view, since he is aware of his actions. But, unlike a normal defendant, there is no possibility of correction of his conduct. Rehabilitation is based on a way of life that can bring you benefits and avoid other damages. 20 Ways to Spot a Psychopath. Interpersonal facet: 1. They have good oratory and charm. They are friendly and conquering at first. 2. They have an exaggerated self-esteem. They think they're better than the others. 3. They are pathological liars. They lie primarily to gain benefits or justify their conduct. 4. They have manipulative behavior. And if they are smart enough, others will not notice this psychopathic behavior.
Emotional facet: 5. Do not feel remorse or guilt. They are never in doubt. 6. As for affectivity, they are cold and calculating. They do not accept emotions, but they can simulate feelings if necessary. 7. Do not feel empathy. They are indifferent and may manifest cruelty. 8. They have a pathological inability to take responsibility for their actions. They do not accept their mistakes. They rarely seek psychological help because they think the problem is always from others. Lifestyle facet: 9. They need constant stimulation. They get bored easily. 10. They like a parasitic lifestyle. 11. They act wildly. 12. Do not have long-term goals. They live like nomads, without direction. 13. Behave impulsively, with recurring actions that are not premeditated. They do not understand the consequences of their actions. 14. They are irresponsible.
Antisocial facet: 15. Tend to be delinquents in youth. 16. Demonstrate conduct problems since childhood. 17. They have revoked their probation. 18. They have versatility for criminal action. They prefer blows and crimes that require the manipulation of others. Others not included in any of the facets: 19. They tend to have a promiscuous sex life, with several short relationships at the same time. They like to talk about their achievements and sexual prowess. 20. They accumulate many short-term marriages. Do not commit for long for having to maintain a bond. These items form the popular method called PCL (Psychopathy Checklist) developed by Robert Hare, PhD in Psychology and professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada. Each attribute receives a score of zero to two, and for the correct diagnosis a semi-structured interview and analysis of the patient's history is also done. According to Hare, one percent of the population is psychopathic. Thanks to Hollywood, a lot of people believe that all psychopaths are like Hannibal Lecter or Dexter, lovely, for sure. But you do not have to quarter someone to be crazy. Sometimes psychopaths are closer than you think, so it's important to recognize the signs and pay attention to the people around you: someone close to you may be the victim of malicious manipulation without realizing it. Source: DWD.

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