sábado, 20 de janeiro de 2018


Insomnia is characterized by the inability to reconcile sleep and may manifest itself in its initial, intermediate or final period. The time required for restful sleep varies from person to person. Most, however, need to sleep for seven to eight hours to wake up. Recent research suggests that those who consider that they sleep four or five hours a night would actually need more sleep. Apparently, older people sleep less. However, the time spent sleeping can be exactly the same as that of the youth, divided into shorter periods and more superficial sleep. Locating the causes of insomnia can be facilitated by polysomnography, an examination that monitors the patient while sleeping. Insomnia can be treated with medications that must be prescribed by the doctor. Do not self-medicate. Causes of Insomnia Insomnia can have both organic and psychic causes. Research indicates the inadequate production of serotonin by the body and the stress caused by everyday wear or by limiting situations as the most important causes. Recommendations Some simple lifestyle changes can help fight insomnia, even when it is chronic: * Limit caffeine consumption in coffee, teas, colas, chocolates, etc. Even the caffeine used as an ingredient in some foods can hinder the sleep of the most sensitive people; * Talk to your doctor about the medicines you are using. Certain decongestant medications can be as stimulating as caffeine; * Exercise regularly, but not near bedtime. Regular physical activity is essential for anxiety sufferers and helps you sleep better. However, vigorous exercise at night can disrupt sleep; * Establish a routine for your bedtime and wake-up call. The biological clock responds better if accustomed to regular hours. Even on weekends, try to keep the schedule set for weekdays; * Try to relax before going to bed. Listen to music, read a little, talk, watch a movie. Remember that after a night of restful sleep, solutions to problems can flow better. If none of this is resolved, it is worth seeking professional help; * Use relaxation techniques. Progressively contract and relax all the muscles of the body, beginning with the toes and ending in the face. Gently massage the scalp. Try to visualize a scene or landscape that brings you satisfaction; * Take a warm bath. Let the water flow through the body for a while, as this helps to relax tense muscles; * Take a glass of warm milk. Milk contains the amino acid tryptophan, which relaxes muscles and induces sleep; * Try to ingest herbal teas like chamomile, fennel, lemon balm, etc. They have been used for centuries by people who guarantee their relaxing action; * Make sure there is no light in the room and the temperature is pleasant. Even little light can disturb some people's sleep. * Wear ear protectors if noise bothers and there is no way to eliminate it; * Choose the right mattress for your weight and height. Very soft or very hard mattresses are contraindicated; *Book bed only for sleeping and for intimate relationships. Avoid reading, watching TV, working and talking in the bedroom; * Sexual intercourse is relaxing. After orgasm, people tend to become drowsy; * Get up if you could not sleep after thirty minutes lying down. Staying in bed awake can increase anxiety, irritation and, consequently, insomnia. Try to get distracted by some quiet activity and then, more tired, go back to bed and try to sleep. Repeat the layout if necessary. Using this technique, many people can reverse the process. Warning Chronic insomnia requires professional judgment. It is indispensable to find out what is causing this difficulty to sleep, because the absence of restful sleep can harm the physical and mental health of the individuals. Therefore, it is no wonder that torturers prevent the accused from sleeping when they want to extract a confession from them. Source: General Practice.

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