sábado, 20 de janeiro de 2018

Psychosomatic Diseases.

Emotional background diseases have long been studied by psychology along with "psychiatry" medicine. The psychosomatic is a fascinating subject and deals with mind-body intercommunication. Much is said about the power of our brain over health and makes us think, "Since we are" powerful "in creating diseases, can we apply this power in the cure of diseases? Can your brain be your own doctor? Psychosomatic illness and Somatization refer to different aspects of the same point: the influence of the mind on the health of our body. What is Somatization When someone says that the person is somatizing is saying that this person has physical symptoms even if there is no physical illness - the cause of these symptoms is emotional. For example, in the case of the person who experiences tachycardia, the heart goes off and she goes to the doctor thinking that she has a heart problem, arriving there she does tests, and not accusing anything, the doctor dismisses the patient saying that he is well physically. This tachycardia may be a symptom of panic - panic syndrome. This is somatization. The exams do not accuse anything because the person has nothing physically, the physical suffering is a reflection of the emotional suffering, which is hidden. The correct thing in this situation is that the doctor refers the person to a treatment with a psychologist and a specialist doctor "Psychiatrist". Only the Psychologist together with the Psychiatrist can treat and alleviate this suffering, which although manifesting in the body is essentially mental, is psychological. Help should be done emotionally. Somatization is when the person presents symptoms whose assessment of the physician does not identify any organic problem, but identifies a psychological cause, and the treatment is done with the Psychologist - Cognitive and the Psychiatrist at the medication level to ameliorate signs and symptoms. What is Psychosomatic Disease When we use "psychosomatic illness" we say that the cause is psychological, but the person has clinical abnormalities detectable by laboratory tests, that is, the person's body is having physical damage - we call it psychosomatic illness. It is a physical disease, true but with psychological cause, that is, the disease appeared in the body, as an allergy for example. In this case the person should deal with both the Psychologist and the Physician. With the doctor she treats the body, and with the psychologist treats the mind - the head, the emotions. Hypochondriasis The hypochondriac is the famous disease maniac. Unjustly condemned for "wanting to draw attention". The picture where the person wants to draw attention will be explained in the next topic. In hypochondria one does not "want" to be sick, in fact he has an absurd fear of illness, he is so afraid, he thinks so much of it that he ends up seeing illness where he has absolutely nothing. In reality you make more noticeable everything that holds in your thoughts, for example, you just decide to buy a silver color Pallium car, get out on the street and you will see silver-colored Pallium cars in every corner. In the same way if a person is very worried about the dengue mosquito you will see mosquitoes everywhere, where they have always been, they are not dengue mosquitoes, but concern will cause you to evaluate one by one in a brutal emotional wear and tear.
The body also affects the mind A physical illness causes mental suffering beyond organic suffering. A person who has a disease that physically weakens her, that leaves her away from others can start a depression for example. In these cases you should receive medical and psychological treatment. This means that treating a psychological problem helps treat the diseases of the body and also prevents your mental suffering from causing the body to become ill. Emotional Background Diseases One type of problem that has a lot to do with the psychological (but still is not 100%) is infertility. I'm sure you've heard the story that someone who wanted to get very pregnant and could not, was only adopting a child who became pregnant. It is not ? What happened ? Why adopting a child makes it easier for a woman to become pregnant? What happened is that it reduces anxiety. She reassures. If she did a therapy, she could also control that anxiety and get pregnant. Anxiety causes infertility. Alias ​​Every good fertilization clinic has a psychologist on staff. Every illness, or any endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, immunological, and skin symptom is the type of illness that can be mistrusted psychologically. So, allergy, infections, shortness of breath, tachycardia, all this can be psychosomatic illness. Cognitive behavioral therapy is very effective for this job, close to 100% efficiency when treated with a serious professional. It is a brief therapy, focused on the problem and with quick results on somatizations. Which is a great relief to those who are suffering now. Illnesses initiated by psychological distress range from allergies, bulimia, infertility, infarction, diabetes and glandular dysfunctions. Psychological distress can be significant events in childhood, such as separation of the child from the mother, or because the mother had to move, or by force abuse, abuse of the child, verbal or physical abuse, strong things that were said to the child, or hit the child. Stressful events, not only in childhood, but at any stage of life, death of someone close to you, change of work, home moving, or job dissatisfaction, or problems with her husband, her boyfriend, all of this may be triggering a psychosomatic illness. The body becomes ill, and at first the person does not relate to these problems, thinks that they had nothing to do with the disease, but it is related to yes.
Function of the symptom - Is the pain good for anything? Mental suffering is left behind, you think you are forgotten, but it is there acting muted, and if you do not work your emotional, this suffering can find a way to manifest, an escape valve, which is the symptom, which gradually making your body sick. Every symptom has the same function, to warn you that something is not going well, that you have to treat this thing. Somatization too, it is calling you to pay attention to yourself, and see what is wrong in your life: Your relationship with colleagues? Your marriage ? Job dissatisfaction? Difficulty in studies? Look at this. Treat what has to be treated. Treat the emotional, because the body is only calling your attention so that you see that the psychological is not well. Often, when you look for a Doctor with a somatization, someone says it's "freshness." If the General Practitioner said that you have nothing, you suffer doubly, because you feel you have something but you do not know what it is. Psychosomatic illness is not "lying" disease is a disease that the General Practitioner could not identify the cause, so he tends to tell you "Be calm, it 's okay" but it' s all wrong, you are in pain, itchy , with dry mouth, heart jumping, stomach ache, you are sweating cold, how is everything okay? Is the doctor able to identify the emotional illness? Unfortunately not every doctor is prepared to refer the patient to the right professional, who is the Psychologist and the Psychiatrist. But if I can help you identify the emotional illness and provide you with the much needed psychological help I already feel fulfilled. Psychotherapy works positive changes in attitudes, changes the way of thinking and acting - it helps to control psychological distress. Your brain can be your doctor, but you need a "pilot" for that brain so it can give the right command to your mind. To work these and other issues count on the Psychologist "cognitive therapies" and a Medic Psychiatrist "drug therapy".
Obs: All treatment of psychosomatic diseases should be treated with the Physician "Psychiatrist" who will come with the medicine to immediately relieve the symptoms of the body. The Psychologist will enter with Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy to improve the distortions of the mind in terms of thinking and behavior. All the two professionals work together for a better clinical picture of the patient, which goes from stabilizing the cure of the disease. And finally the question that does not want to be silent: If I take the medications prescribed by the "Psychiatrist" Doctor Whether they are: black stripe or special "controlled" white prescription, do I get addicted to the medicines? No, medications controlled under the supervision of the Physician "Psychiatrist" do not cause dependence. At the right time, the Doctor knows the exact time to decrease the dosage until withdrawal or complete suspension of the medication. Anyway, what is harmful to the patient is the misinformation or the prejudice towards it. Source: Medical Clinic.

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