sábado, 20 de janeiro de 2018


Emotional exhaustion is a big villain who, if not treated seriously, can turn into depression. Everything starts in a discreet way and you do not give importance, you think it's just tiredness and as soon as you have some time take a break to relax and everything will be fine. The problem is that this slack is being delayed constantly by daily problems and some symptoms begin to appear. When they are physical symptoms you seek a doctor. The doctor in turn says that it is nothing serious and prescribes a natural tranquilizer along with the remedy to treat the physical problem. You follow the treatment, the physical symptoms (usually linked to the digestive tract) improve and you follow well for a short time, until another problem appears. Emotional exhaustion usually appears after a troubled period that has lagged behind, or along with a problem that you are struggling to resolve but can not. Here are some typical symptoms that you should be careful not to leave without proper attention. 1 - Sleep is not restorative. You wake up tired even though you've slept through the night. You need a good dose of coffee to get out of the house and start your daily chores. The tiredness only gets worse during the day. 2 - Drop in income at work. You're not so quick to do everything you ever did in the mood. There are days that seem to be on automatically at work and in meetings to organize new projects you have no ideas and end up following and supporting the ideas of others because you are too tired to engage in something new and be creative. 3 - Poor memory. The agenda is now your friend, because without the warning on the phone you forget even and do not even notice, so even things you used to never forget are being placed to whistle on the phone. 4 - There is some time leaving the house for parties and staying with friends no longer give you enthusiasm. Before it was good to go out, talk to friends, but now there is always a good excuse to stay in your pajamas at home. Watching a movie under the covers is much more satisfying than going to the movies. Sometimes you even go out, talk, but you always have a concern that stops you from fully enjoying a moment of relaxation. You'd rather not stay out of the house long, you need more rest time. 5- Heartburn, stomach and intestinal pain that does not work as it should. Our digestive tract is always the first to give signs that your emotions are not well. Emotionally exhausted people always suffer from some kind of problem in the digestive system. You brand consultation with the gastro, take the medicines and change the diet, as the doctor suggests. But the problem insists on going back and you do not understand why.
6- Headaches. Not being unbearable, just take a painkiller and everything is fine, but it shows presence at least three times a month, or even more. Of course you should go to the doctor investigating physical symptoms, following medical recommendations is key, but in this case the tests do not identify anything and you end up with a frustration and a mild and natural soothing recipe to improve. 7- Willingness to cry without apparent explanation. Your sensitivity is much greater and small things like losing the bus and getting late to a commitment or an unexpected expense that will get you tighter financially during the month are already enough for a compulsive crying and exaggerated claims. After the outburst you get better and follow the rest of the day quiet until bedtime. The next day you feel ashamed to have been so sensitive and try to follow as if nothing had happened. 8- Difficulties to read and assimilate new contents. Reading a book and being able to pay attention became more difficult. In the middle of the page you start thinking about other things and when you return to reality you realize that you forgot what you just read and go back to the previous page. Learning something new is more complicated, your patience in classes and lectures is no longer the same as before. You can not wait to do other things, because paying attention is difficult. 9 - More frequent negative thoughts. Overall you are an optimistic person, share beautiful messages of motivation on social networks, but sometimes deep down you feel like exploding, do not pray or attend your religion with the same enthusiasm and to seek new solutions to problems, because he believes things can get worse if you try something new. Feel more the negative side, and if there is a chance things go wrong they are getting more attention from you because you are tired of hurting yourself and expecting too much from everything and everyone. 10 - Swallow frogs to avoid arguments. For you certain people are the way they are and will not change. They irritate you, treat you badly, but you prefer not to confront because it would be a waste of time, especially at work. It's a good line of reasoning as long as it does not affect you emotionally. You must impose limits sometimes, even if politely. If it is possible to cut off from your life for peace and health, do not think twice. Just as no one is willing to be sick for you, so you can not tolerate abusive behaviors so you do not cause friction. Free yourself! How to treat? Physical symptoms should always receive attention from a physician and treatment should be followed, but anything from an emotional background will not stop manifesting. Stop putting off your rest, do something for yourself! Seek help, conventional or holistic therapy. Get rid of destructive relationships that will never bring you happiness. Act in your favor, do not try to absorb problems that are not yours. Do not do for others more than you do for yourself. Put yourself first, nothing should be done in the automatic mode. You should feel life and not just follow the flow. May God always bless you! Source: Site The Secret.

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